Deadline Extended!
New deadline for Abstract Submission: May 23, 2021
Important Message
Conservation Marketing Conference is finally happening this year!
The Conservation Marketing and Engagement members of the Board have scheduled this year’s 2021 Conservation Marketing Conference to take place from the 27th to the 30th of October 2021. This is going to be a virtual event.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts. Furthermore, we look forward to seeing you virtually in October!
Abstract for Workshops Submission Form
Information for abstract submission
Abstract format
Proposals for oral presentations, speed talks, and workshops must be submitted in abstract format. Abstracts must be submitted electronically; web submission, is the only format for submission.
We are accepting the following three types of abstracts:
- Oral presentations. These will be 10-12 minutes in length with time for a few questions.
- Short oral presentations. These will be 4 minutes long without questions, but with a discussion at the end of the session.
- Workshops. Length of workshops may vary by proposal.
We ask that you only submit an abstract for one type of presentation. Thank you!
The conference is interested in your presentations, workshops, and discussions on the following topics:
- Conservation online: what the digital frontier can add to the traditional toolbox of conservation marketers.
- Community engagement for conservation: best practices and lessons learned in effectively engaging communities in conservation action.
- Citizen science for conservation outcomes: engaging citizens and community members in collecting and interpreting data.
- Bringing science to conservation policy: Engaging with managers, regulators and policymakers for conservation.
- Marketing tools in conservation: best practices and innovative use of marketing tools to promote conservation behaviors, including audience research methods.
- Conservation psychology: Exploring the psychological responses to conservation messaging, including the influence of access to nature, and human well-being.
- Assessing success of conservation campaigns: Impact evaluation methods and ideas for measuring the success of marketing and community engagement efforts.
- Conservation social science: What we’re learning about the human dimension of environmental issues, including public attitudes, values, and opinions about conservation.
- Innovation in conservation engagement: New approaches, methods, and ideas for promoting conservation.
While the conference is focused on conservation marketing and engagement, submissions that are primarily on issue-based topics, such as sustainability and climate change, are also very welcome.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive but merely a guide for those submitting abstracts. Others topics of interest are absolutely welcomed

Registration rates can be found here.